What is PTSD?

a man sitting on top of a brown leather couch

What is Post Traumatic Stress Disorder?

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder or PTSD is a disorder usually diagnosed in people who have witnessed or experienced a terrifying or shocking event, and are experiencing ongoing symptoms that are impacting their daily lives. Not everyone who witnesses a traumatic event has PTSD, and there is a wide range of symptoms. Some examples of traumatic incidents are:

  • Death of a loved one
  • Car accident
  • War/combat
  • Assault
  • Natural Disaster
  • Terrorist Act
  • Serious illness
  • Serious Injury
  • Affairs (Relationship Trauma)
  • Divorce

In the past, PTSD went by different names. During and right after the years of World War 1, the term “shell shock” was often used. After World War 2, “combat fatigue” was the term that signified a reaction to a high level of stress or trauma.

It is now more widely known that PTSD does not only occur in combat veterans but can occur with all people. According to PTSD United, an estimated 24.4 million people in the United States have PTSD at any given time (www.ptsdunited.com).

What is it Like to Have PTSD?

People who suffer from PTSD continue to have intense and disturbing thoughts and feelings regarding the traumatic experiencing. Though the event itself may have taken place weeks, months or even years ago, the thoughts and feelings are fresh in the person’s mind. They may relive events through flashbacks or nightmares.

Often individuals feel isolated and detached from other people and take great measures to avoid situations that may remind them of the traumatic event. They may even have strong, negative reactions to ordinary experiences that involve noises or an accidental touch.

What are symptoms of PTSD?

Symptoms fall into four categories and can vary in severity from person to person.

  • Intrusive Thoughts (can take many forms): involuntary memories, nightmares and flashbacks are commonly experienced by those with PTSD. These thoughts can be so completely vivid that the individual fully believes they are reliving the traumatic experience in the moment.
  • Avoiding any and all reminders of the traumatic event typically requires the individual to avoid people, places, activities and situations that can bring on disturbing memories and thoughts. Individuals may also avoid conversations about the experience and lash out at those who ask if they want to talk about it.
  • Distorted Ideas: It is common for those with PTSD to have distorted thoughts and beliefs about themselves or others, ongoing fear, anger, guilt or shame. These thoughts can look like, “I am a bad person,” “I can’t trust anyone,” or “I should have died, not her.” As a result of these distortions, individuals often have less interest in activities they once enjoyed and begin to feel detached or estranged from loved others.
  •  Reactive behavior associated with PTSD can include having angry outbursts, becoming easily irritable, behaving recklessly or in a self-destructive way, being easily startled, or having problems concentrating or sleeping.

You don’t have to live with PTSD alone any longer!

There are a variety of treatments to help you in your journey to overcome your trauma. At My Therapy Connection™, we have counselors and therapists who have specialized training to treat your symptoms of PTSD.

No one should have to suffer alone. Connecting you to a compassionate, caring therapist is our number one priority. Counseling/Therapy will help you to identify the triggers, feelings, and associations that are negatively impacting your life. You will be able to talk to a therapist safely and confidentially so that you can work through this pain.

The therapists at My Therapy Connection™ who treat PTSD have received specialized training to treat trauma, and continue to learn about the most current trends in mental health care. Some of the following treatment methods are used:

  • Trauma Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
  • Emotionally Focused Therapy
  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
  • Dialectical Behavioral Therapy
  • EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing)

Reaching out for help can be the most difficult step. To take the first step, you may call, fill out our form, or e-mail us. When you call, you will be answered by our caring Administrative Assistant. That call is 100% CONFIDENTIAL!

Our assistant will help to match you with the best therapist to meet your unique needs. Or simply visit the ABOUT US, and see if one of our therapists stands out to you. You can let our assistant know that you prefer to see someone you have already selected.

We are here for you. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. Feeling better doesn’t have to wait…


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