Why We Don’t Accept Insurance for Therapy

This is a question we, at My Therapy Connection™ (MTC), often get asked. With the mental health crisis on the rise, and reaching out for therapy becoming less taboo, it seems very difficult to find a counselor that accepts insurance for clients. Those counselors who do take insurance often have long waiting lists. There are […]
How to Mentally Recover from a Serious Physical Injury

After sustaining a serious physical injury, most people don’t consider the mental and emotional ramifications of this type of accident. Getting to a hospital and getting immediate medical care is the primary focus, followed by follow-up care and physical recovery. But how does a serious injury affect your mental health? According to a 2016 study […]
What is PTSD?

What is Post Traumatic Stress Disorder? Post Traumatic Stress Disorder or PTSD is a disorder usually diagnosed in people who have witnessed or experienced a terrifying or shocking event, and are experiencing ongoing symptoms that are impacting their daily lives. Not everyone who witnesses a traumatic event has PTSD, and there is a wide range […]
When Anxiety Attacks Your Teen

Anxiety is like fire: It can keep us safe and warm, or completely devastate our property and our lives. It’s good to be a little anxious at times. When walking down a deserted street at night, anxiety keeps us on alert. We are ready to fight or take flight should a dangerous situation arise. But […]
Helping Your Teenager Transform into a Happy, Well-Rounded Adult

Raising kids is one of the toughest jobs on the planet. You do everything you can to make sure they stay safe and healthy. And then a study comes out that states that happy kids grow up to be more successful adults. (Great, so now they have to be happy as well!). It turns out that happiness is a […]
How To Help Your Teen Cope With Back-to-School Stress

It’s almost fall, which means store shelves are stocked with low-priced notebooks and markers and glue, et al. Soon the familiar brake hiss of school buses will be heard in neighborhoods across the country as kids head back to school. While some kids begrudge alarm clocks and mountains of homework, they still look forward to […]
Is Online Therapy the Future of Therapy?

As a result of the Coronavirus pandemic, many therapists have had to make a quick pivot. This involved offering clients online therapy to help them continue to make progress. All while at the same time abiding by the social distancing guidelines to flatten the curve. It seems our country and the rest of the world […]
Mental Health Therapy for Frontline Workers

None of us were prepared for the global pandemic we find ourselves in. Not parents, teachers, and certainly not the healthcare workers around the country. Doctors and nurses soon found themselves working double shifts to care for sick people. The rest of the world went into lockdown and people stayed home, safe and sound. Yet, […]
How to Talk to an Angry Teenager

It’s well known that the teen years are the most trying time for parents. It may seem like their rebellion is personal. In fact, it may seem that they’re determined to make your home life miserable. But, in reality, this is a natural process. Your teenager is maturing on both a physical and emotional level. […]